Tuesday, June 22, 2010

what I want to say

I'm not sure enough about what i'm going to write actually...
so I'm not sure y'all know what or who i'm saying...

First, I would like to say "thank you" for one of my girl...
thanks for buying me "The Last Song" novel with the cover like I imagine...
*I'll pay ofc.. whenever we met after the holiday..*

Second, I would like to say "thank you" *again* to my new "brother"
thanks for accompanying me this holiday..
I hope we can be in the same class next year

Third, I would like to say "thank you" *ironically* to one of my friend..
you've made me such a fool.. really thank you...

Fourth, I can't even wait for 27 of June.. I'll be out of town.. YAY!!!

Fifth, I would like to say "Good luck" for my girl..
Good Luck on your way you've chosen.. :)

I guess that's all..

Happy holiday, Guys!!!!!

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