Saturday, October 16, 2010

sudden celebrity

why I chose this title? coz I am now..
you don't believe?? no problem..
I'll tell why I chose this title..

august 21, 2010..
it was the first day i became a sudden celebrity..
well, on Wednesday august 18, if I'm not mistaken,
my brother invited me to his b'day party..
well, Okay. I don't have any plan for saturday, so it's fine

then, Thursday august 19, 2010...
I got another b'day party invitation for Saturday..
WHAT???? Saturday??? the same day??
then I saw the time.. and the same time??
the place, well, ofc, not the same place..
how can I be at the different place on the same time??
NO WAY!!!!
then I asked my mom, 'what should I do?"
my mom said, 'it's up to me..'
wew -.-''

one is my brother now, and one was my brother..
*well, he's still my brother.. but we're not that close anymore*
ofc, I prefer my present brother than the other one..
but, I don't want to disappoint the other brother,
or let's say, I don't want to miss this opportunity...
so my last choice is that, come to both of them..

and I did.. I went to my brother first, then to my present brother..
but at last, I don't think I'm satisfied or I'm happy... :(

and I'm afraid, this thing is happening again..
today, 16 Oct, I had 2 b'day invitations *again*
1st is my classmate's.. she's a girl
2nd, is my.... well, you can say, my ex..
I'd like to come to both of them.. but.. *there's always 'but'...*

I don't think I belong to her b'day party..
but I belong to his b'day party..
I don't think I'm important to him,
but I'm important to her...*well, at least, she is quite important to me*

uurgh.. so confusing...
I really hope that's not gonna happen for the third time..

and let's see for next week plan..
okay, 21 oct, my little nephew gonna be a month, and there's gonna be a party *again*
then, last night, my dad gave me an another b'day invitation.. well, let's say my cousin's little girl is turning one... and there's a birthday party *again and again*
then, the next week, 28 Oct is my big nephew birthday..
and 1 Nov, it's my mom n my friend 's birthday.. oh my!!!


  1. wkwkwkkwkwkwkw
    take the positive thing

    everyone thinks u'r their friend, so they invited you :p

  2. Tata eksis!!!

  3. @Ch_Knock_Out : haha.. hope so..
    @EO : lol..

  4. wkwkwk sama ta.....mgg ini msi ada gabby+san2.....dompetq semakin menipis buat beli kado hwhwhwhw

  5. hahaha.. iya, bet.. aku msi ada lgi acara dari keluarga.. pusing wes...
