Tuesday, January 4, 2011

new year resolution

I feel like it's kinda a little bit late..
but better late than never... ;)

i don't know why, but in the last few seconds in 2010, I felt like I don't want to let it go..
well, these are my memories in 2010..
umm.. I know, some are may be not written here..
But all of my memories are gonna be here, in my heart forever...

* Held my 15th birthday party and it's really a great party (25.02.2010)
* More mature, in my opinion.. :)
* Visit Shanghai 2010 Expo.. it's awesome, oops, it's better than awesome... a pity, my dad didn't come with us..
* got higher mark than grade 10..
* more independent at school...
* got closer to my cousins..
* found out a crush.. :p
* made a sina account (Chinese twitter)
* finished some Chinese books.. :)
* found a brother...
* be a sudden celebrity.. lol.. that's really exhausting..

anything else??
don't think so.. :p

n this new year resolution is....

1. save some money.. :)
2. make a decision for university.. quicker is better :p
3. get the first rank.. at least, try my best..
4. finish my English story..
5. Forget some memories which should be forgotten
6. be more friendly
7. more friends..

what else?? haha..
not sure.. :p
guess that's all.. :D

I hope this will be better than last year...

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