Monday, December 28, 2009


It's the 1st time I write this blog using my phone..

I miss my friends (especially my bff),my computer, my fb, and my home..

1 thing I'm sure till now and later..
I'm definitely a big fan of Disney..
I bought a lot of disney stuff.. Bag, clothes, books.. And I hope, I'll get more.. :D

JB's books of course..
The series of camp rock..
*well, I kinda bit disappointed didn't buy the eng ver.. But it's fine.. I'm happy w that*
W these books, I feel like, they're here.. With me.. Sharing their stories..
Accompany me, entertain me...

But what I'm worrying is...
I enjoy my world, which I like, but nobody would share with me..
They do know JB and stuff, but they juz know..
I juz can't share it with them..
Feels like, forcing.. Forcing them to listen to me..
*hufff... Really annoying..and confusing*

I juz can't wait to find somebody who would share those things with me.. who would fine the real me.. N I don't need to be someone else.. I juz hv to be ME...

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Hri ini terima rapor..
such an unimaginable result..
but, I don't really feel satisfied..
*yeah.. human never feel satisfied*
Why I just can't beat her anymore??
Although I know..
I already win in other subject,
but... *sigh* I.D.K n I.D.C

well, I'm happy to hear a happy news..
It's such a really happy news for me..
*thx to her 1st*
Last Sunday,
when I was at the bookstore with my fam,
my friend told me that she saw a news bout Kevin Jonas's Marriage..
In fact, he's engaged last June or may, I forgot..
And I already know that..
But He's married??
Oh God!!
It's really surprising...
Even Aaron Yan still single (and he's older than Kevin)

Saturday, December 19, 2009


after posting the latest posting,
Now I realize that she's really important to me..
N i guess I'm not going out with friends, without her.
*except, I'm going to buy her present*

one o my friend ask "when will u start dating a boy?"
what a silly question is that??
how could he asked me that question??
seems that he already know the answer...

Christmas is on the way already..
really wanted to give him a Christmas present,.,.
but how?? haha.. impossible...

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


aneh banget nih perasaan..
Sejak nonton NEW MOON (yg pertama kali),
hubunganku ama dn tu dah baik lagi..
Yaaah, meski jakno bukane ga baik,
tapii, akhir2 ini tu aq ama dn lebih sering jengkel e..
gara" :
  1. tmn2 di sekelilingku tdk mendukung kalo dn tu sebenere enak
  2. kdg sifat e dn ya emg gitu.. (ga bisa jelasin)
  3. emg aq org yg gmpg emosian
  4. dari dulu hub Q ama dia ya gitu terus.. (sejak SD)


dn td blg mbe aq gini "bsk jgn nyarii aq ya.. ada acara..."
cmn ta jawab "ya nek inget.. wkwk..."

Isa ga ya aku pisah dari dia??
selama ini, aku nda sekelas ama dia tu rasae gimana gitu..
ya seneng, tp ya susah..
coz, dia tu enak nek diajak rundingan ttg pelajaran..
tapi, kadang tu sifate jengkeli.. nda tau kenapa..
*yeah, maybe that's coz I really care bout her.. and I hope so*

bingung bgt.. di skul tu jarang ada org yg lebih dewasa drpd aku..
tp dn beda.. meski nyebeli kadang2,,
tapi dn tu kaya lebiih dewasa dr aku.. n I love that feeling..
feels like she's my own sister..

I miss the moments when we're all together..
when we're talking bout our fave books, film, topic..
when we're discussing our lesson..
discussing girl stuff..

I really miss those moments....

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Dear God-Nicholas Jonas

Dear God
I hate to be a bother, but I gotta say
This world is getting crazier with every day
I hope You'll hear me out now as I stop and pray

Dear God
People take Your words and try to twist em' round
I know You can't be happy with what's goin' down
I'm searchin' for some answers, but they can't be found
Can You help me out, dear God

Dear God,
Just the other night I heard somebody say
What's the use believin' in You anyway
I guess it was just heartache talkin' through the pain
It's a cryin' shame

Dear God,
I know You're disappointed in the things we've done
Can't they see the truth that they're all running from
Try to preach You message with a loaded gun
What they thinkin' of, Dear God

Everybody's searching for an easy solution
They can't see beyond, the selfish world they're living in
Your words of love get lost, in all the confusion
But I still believe, someday You're gonna speak to me

Dear God,
I know You've got a million other calls to take
You're dealing with a lot of things that just won't wait
But there is one request that I just gotta make

Dear God
Won't You send a sign down, just to ease my doubt
I'm trying to hear You, but the silence is so loud
I think I see a rainbow from behind the clouds
And I hear You now, dear God.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

new moon

I didn't find other word to describe that movie..


it reminding me to my past..
The time when me and her..
in the same class..
have fun together..

and actually...

I miss that moment....

I know sometimes I don't like her..

but I think it's normal..
coz, nobody's perfect..

and still, we're friends anyway..
she's the one I need for some things..
still wanting those moments anyway..
besides I'm happy and interesting,,
She's there.. with me...

Sis, I miss those moments like you...