Monday, August 22, 2011

long time no see...

last night, I went to dine out with my parents.. We went to a chinese restaurant.. There, I saw my friends actually, but I didn't say 'Hi' to them.. *psst.. don't tell them :p*
and then, I looked the other direction and someone was looking at me.. then she called my name...
Hey!!!! she's my roommate when we're in JiNan, China.. It was 3 years ago.. I quite happy to see her... really long time no see, eh.. 3 years..

little things annoyed me

recently, I realized that I haven’t written any story and diary for about a month and more.. and I started to ask myself, “you like writing, don’t you? then why don’t you write any? it’s ok you don’t have any idea for a good story.. but diary? you can’t say you don’t have idea for that…” but I still didn’t write any.. == and I started to doubt I like writing is a temporary things..

the other thing that annoyed me is that when I wanted to draw, I mean sketch something when I bored, there’s always no idea about what I want to sketch.. and I hate it.. grrrrr…

and we can conclude that, from last year till now, I’ve written really a few of story and diary… ==

i wish idea will come faster……..

Thursday, April 28, 2011

when you're lonely, who will you think of...

this is the title of a song, actually.. A chinese song..
當你孤單你會想起誰 (dang ni gu dan ni hui xiang qi shei)
A song sang by Nicholas Teo 張棟樑

this isn't a new song, and we can categorized it as an old song.
But I don't know why, this afternoon, in dancing class, I really wanted to listen to this song..
I took my iPod, and listen to this.. but then, the school bell rang.. -.-''' I turned it off, and went to eat my lunch..
After school, in school bus, I listen to this song.. Seems that it's been a long time I didn't listen to this song...

當你孤單你會想起誰 你想不想找個人來陪
when you're lonely, who will you think of... Don't you want to look for a person for accompanying you

hey, boy, when you're lonely, who will you think of?? I wish it's me.. cause sometimes, I think of you when I'm lonely.. :)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The moon and the sun

In this lonely valentine day, suddenly it became the most unbelievable day...
in this day, two handsome guys came to my life

One is very cheerful
every time I see him, he's always smiling and make me feel warm...
Just like the sun...

One is very cold..
every time I see him, he's always no expression..
feels like it's really hard to be close to him..
just like the moon...

one is talkative
every time I was sad, he's always by my side and comfort me

one is very quiet
every time always be my best listener..

but Love came in this time..
in the same time, the sun and the moon became the most important thing to me,
If I choose the sun, won't my nights be darker??
If I choose the moon, what happened with my days?? won't they be gone??

If Love force me to choose one between the moon and the sun,
then, I would rather give it up..
Friendship is enough...

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

只看見你 just can see you..

this is what i watched just now... a song sang by Aaron yan, my fave singer and actor...
He released a new album called “the next me" on March 25...

I've been listening to this song since last weekend, and I still love it..
The lyrics is great, it has a pattern which very interesting *in my opinion* and the meaning is very touching..

I'd like to have someone special sing this song for me... and I wish it's him.. lol.. :p

Monday, March 21, 2011


this entry is going to be super random.. don't be shocked, 'kay??

I'm going to join a study tour to Taiwan during the summer holiday..from mid June to mid July..Yesterday was the first meeting.. All of the participator must come..The teacher told us some information.. We must come again nxt week to join the classes.. there are 2 classes, or maybe 3, chinese, singing, and dancing.. i wish we don't need to sing old songs... and I wish the chinese class won't be boring... well, a bit is fine.. but don't be too boring.. haha.. I can't wait for this Taiwan trip..

I just watched Gnomeo and Juliet today..It's definitely funny.. I laughed all the time.. haha.. the music was arranged by Elton John... so good.. :) two thumbs up...

I'm watching Prince and Princess 2 recently.. A taiwanese drama series.. I'm kinda wishing to be a princess 2 too.. lol..

And I'm missing someone.. well, might be not someone only.. but some ones... don't know how to find them...

Thursday, March 17, 2011

last 5 days

11.03.2011 I went to Singapore to visit my sister and spend 5 days there.. It's the first time I went to Singapore since my sister studies there..

First day, I felt like a fool.. lol.. I walked beside my sister who lives there for about almost 2 years.. I can say that she already knew anything there, and I don't know anything.. I walked quite fast that day, but I don't know which direction to go.. haha..

The weekend, I spent with my family go shopping.. we never don't shop there.. haha.. there's always things I'd like to buy... almost every time, I bought CD, books, clothes... what i love from Sgp is Mc.D's breakfast.. and my favorite is the hash brown!!! ooh, I want that more!!! *yummy*

On Monday, I went to my sister's school and met her friends.. in the afternoon, I went to marina barrage with my junior high friend.. and we also went to the cinema watched Red Riding Hood.. what a nice movie.. very nice.. I almost cried.. haha.. *I admit, I'm easily touched by film or music*

Tuesday, went to hospital for medical check-up, not me.. it's my dad, and after that, still the same as usual, shopping *again*...

Wednesday, packing and went back home.. I'd like to say home sweet home, but..... Well, I love home but not the country...

today, I did my routine then feel like last 5 days are dream.. and i wish i'll never wake up from that dream...

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

i don't know whether it's a good day or a bad day.

the day I meant is the 25th of February..
well, I bet some of you know that it is my birthday,
and I actually had already been waiting for it..
I always wondering, what will my friends give me,
or who will wish me a happy birthday,
and whether it's going to be a good day or a bad day..
I admit, I kinda like a little kid..

the night before, I slept at my mom's bedroom,
I woke up around 5 and activate my cellphone..
2 messages.. wow...
5.15 am some friends started to write “HBD Tata" on their's blackberry messenger status..
then, they started to chat me..

I went to school, my friends gave me cupcakes and a watch..
To be honest, the cupcakes looks cute, but when you see it carefully, it's quite frightening.. especially the chip and dale.. haha.. :p *just saying*
the watch is cool, all white.. but I'm afraid, I'll make it dirty.. :D
I move from class to class bringing that big bag with cupcakes inside.. -.-'''

After school, I did my routine, which is went to an english course and chinese course..
I brought cakes for my teachers. and actually I hope someone will appear that day...
but in fact, I didn't see the person I'd like to see...

and that day ended just like that.. although I was happy to see the presents, but there's still my wish which hasn't been realized..

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

i just don't want to disappoint anybody

just got the news that
I'm selected to join another physics competition..

well, I actually don't mind,

remembering that I have 2 test on Monday, when the competition will be held,
and the last time *and the first time* I join physics competition,
I just don't want to join it..

I don't want to disappoint anybody,actually..
who do I mean anybody??
first, it's my teacher..
last time, I joined that competition and couldn't solve any question because of so many reasons.. well, honestly, I felt I was so stupid.. x_x
and now, another competition??
whew, can't imagine what it'll be..

second, my parents especially my mom..
she knew I joined that competition that day,
and I came home then said to her, "I couldn't do even one number, while my friends said it was so easy. easier than the exercises"
She said that it's fine. Just make it as an experience..
yeah, I know this is what she's going to say...
but, I can't just make every time as experience..

and the last person, is myself..
i can't face the fact that I failed and I've missed some classes..
I just don't want to face that fact for the second time...

I don't really know what I'm talking about.
I just write down what's in my mind now..
i hope nobody's hurt when reading this... :)

Monday, January 24, 2011

some things can't be missed, some loves can't be released

Some things can't be missed
Some loves can't be released

it's not my own word actually..
I copied that from a Taiwanese drama series, 4 gifts 女王不下班

In my opinion, what K said is true..
some things, when you missed them, you can't take those back..
and you must face the fact that you've missed them..

and the same thing with love...
When you're fall in love, why you have to release it??
keep hold it until the love has gone..
it might hurt, but,
if you had released it, and you realize that it's yours actually,
it gonna hurt more...

that's what my opinion.. I'm just sharing...

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

new year resolution

I feel like it's kinda a little bit late..
but better late than never... ;)

i don't know why, but in the last few seconds in 2010, I felt like I don't want to let it go..
well, these are my memories in 2010..
umm.. I know, some are may be not written here..
But all of my memories are gonna be here, in my heart forever...

* Held my 15th birthday party and it's really a great party (25.02.2010)
* More mature, in my opinion.. :)
* Visit Shanghai 2010 Expo.. it's awesome, oops, it's better than awesome... a pity, my dad didn't come with us..
* got higher mark than grade 10..
* more independent at school...
* got closer to my cousins..
* found out a crush.. :p
* made a sina account (Chinese twitter)
* finished some Chinese books.. :)
* found a brother...
* be a sudden celebrity.. lol.. that's really exhausting..

anything else??
don't think so.. :p

n this new year resolution is....

1. save some money.. :)
2. make a decision for university.. quicker is better :p
3. get the first rank.. at least, try my best..
4. finish my English story..
5. Forget some memories which should be forgotten
6. be more friendly
7. more friends..

what else?? haha..
not sure.. :p
guess that's all.. :D

I hope this will be better than last year...